Frequently asked questions

Febenat members engage to observe a deontological code that contains particular rules on the distribution of correct and clear information on natural stone. As far as natural stone is concerned, we speak in one voice.
we subscribe to the charter "quality and quality control" as well as the technical data sheets as described on

Our products comply with CE standards, DOP certificate can be found on every product page.

The Federation of Benelux Natural Stone Importers and Wholesalers (Febenat) started the Fair Natural Stone initiative in 2015. Fair Natural Stone aims with this initiative to meet the social conditions and environmental requirements as laid down by the ILO (International Labor Organization), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD guidelines i.z. to respect, support and implement sustainability.

On the basis of the guidelines and conditions mentioned, Fair Natural Stone has a developed a code of conduct (see appendix) that does justice to the aforementioned principles. The code of conduct is introduced, discussed and implemented by the Fair Natural Stone members at their suppliers. At the end of this process, a final audit will be carried out by an independent accredited organization to determine whether the supplier complies with the guidelines and conditions. Fair Natural Stone will initially focus on the quarries and production companies that are engaged in the extraction and production of cobble stones from Radjastan, India, but will soon be extended to all of India and other countries where the conditions and guidelines must be implemented.

Fair Natural Stone is open to all Natural Stone companies in Belgium and the Netherlands and will become an organization in which business, government, NGOs and trade unions will work closely together.

Fair Natural Stone declares that all its members will do their utmost to get the social conditions and guidelines implemented at the members' suppliers. Vandix is a member of Fair Natural Stone and acts according to these conditions and guidelines.

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